When advising people for racing and training I continually preach the importance of proper recovery in order to make maximum gains and to be at peak performance come race day. This past month, with an impending trip which will cut my race season short, I found myself focused on building a larger race resume for 2011. I tried packing 5 races into a three week period. I ended up being exibit A for over trained, over raced, over exherted, and under recovered.
July 11th was Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island, 17th Ft Lewis Triple Threat, 18th Summit Plummet, 25th Seattle Seafair Olympic, 31st Ironman 70.3 Calgary.
4:37 at Rhode Island, 34th overall
1:06 at Ft Lewis, 1st overall
2:07 at Summit Plummet, 2nd overall
1:53 at Seattle Seafair, 3rd overall
Calgary.... DNF. The day after Seafair I was hit with a severe stomach bug. I thought it was food poisoning, but it continued coming back in waves throughout the week. Despite resting all week and trying to recover from 4 races so I could finish the season strong at Calgary, race day came and my body was not able to handle it. I had to toss in the towel at about mile 24 of the bike; I was dehydrated, weak, throwing up, and was just driving myself into the ground.
It was quite a disappointing end to the season, but also a huge learning experience. Despite thinking I could continue putting out 100% effort every weekend it came back to bite me. I should have been smarter as I have been racing for 6 years and know how to read my body. Take away for next season... PRACTICE WHAT YO PREACH